Tenley Albright | Born 1935

Tenley Albright has had an accomplished career both on the skating rink and in the medical field. She started skating during her childhood and impressed many when she won the Silver Medal at the 1952 Olympics. She continued to win championships throughout the 1950s. Her career height was in 1956 when she won the Gold Medal during that year’s Olympics. During that same year, she retired from competitive skating but has remained a prominent figure in the sport since.

Ever since retiring from competitive skating, she devoted much of her energy into medicine. She eventually graduated with a degree at Harvard Medical School and became a surgeon afterwards, practicing for over 23 years. Today, at age 87, Albright has remained active in the medical field, with various positions at medical organizations in addition to being a lecturer at Harvard Medical School. On the side, she still helps advance figure skating on occasions.
