Sophia Loren | Born 1934

Sophia Loren is a name that still commands respect among many in showbiz. Hailing from Italy, she first became familiar to many when she entered the Miss Italia pageant in 1950, ending her run as one of the finalists. She then proceeded into acting at age 16. She got her big break in 1954 with the film The Gold of Naples. She achieved international fame after signing a deal with Paramount in 1956, which was her greatest investment in her career at the time. Among her most notable films include Houseboat, It Started In Naples, and The Pride and the Passion.

While many see Loren as a beauty icon thanks to her natural beauty, her Oscar win in Two Women proved that her acting skills are also excellent. In her later years, her acting credits became fewer. Even so, at age 88, Loren still grabs a lot of attention from many whenever she makes an appearance in red carpet events.
